
Greetings, animal lovers, today we are going to make an automatic pet feeder using the Raspberry Pi kit PicoBricks. We have shared the necessary 3D printing files and Python codes in the article. Let's get started then.

How to Make Raspberry Pi Radar?


Beep... Beep... How interesting is the sonar sound we hear in movies? How sonar systems that detect ships kilometers away work has always been a matter of curiosity for us engineer candidates.Today is the time to satisfy this curiosity. Let's make a homemade radar step by step.

Raspberry Pi Calculator Project


Now, we have something truly amazing to share with you: the Electronics Calculator! This groundbreaking project is about to revolutionize the way we approach math problem-solving. Picture this: you're sitting at your computer, faced with a tricky math problem. But instead of scratching your head and feeling overwhelmed, all you have to do...
It is called the state of being autonomous when electronic systems make a decision based on the data they collect and perform the given task automatically. The components that enable electronic systems to collect data from their environment are called sensors. Many data such as the level of light in the environment,...
Many events in our lives have been digitized. One of them is sounds. The tone and intensity of the sound can be processed electrically. So we can extract notes electronically. The smallest unit of sounds that make up music is called a note. Each note has a frequency and intensity. With the...
Measuring time is a simple but important task that we do in our daily lives without realizing it. A surgeon in surgery, a business person trying to catch up with a meeting, an athlete trying to win, a student trying to finish an exam or a chess match… Smart wrist watches, phones...
 Global warming is affecting the climate of our world worse every day. Countries take many precautions and sign agreements to reduce the effects of global warming. The use of renewable energy sources and the efficient use of energy is an issue that needs attention everywhere, from factories to our rooms. Many reasons...
Basically, this project will allow you to remotely control and monitor the Picobricks robot arm and PicoBricks Robot Tank arcade vehicle via web browser interface.
LEDs are often used on electronic systems. Each button can have small LEDs next to each option. By making a single LED light up in different colors, it is possible to do the work of more than one LED with a single LED. LEDs working in this type are called RGB LEDs....

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Incorporate STEM into Classrooms with Examples

Incorporate STEM into Classrooms with Examples

Table of Contents I have previously mentioned that our team includes many STEM experts and engineers. I will try to explain step...
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How to Start Robotics at Home Easily?

In recent years, a popular topic has been robotics... As the number of robots around us increases, especially parents are looking for...

How to Use PicoBricks with Arduino

Arduino Programming Language Picobricks offers us the opportunity to code with Arduino C. Getting started coding the Raspberry Pi Pico at the...