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New Year STEM Activities

20 Dec 2023
New Year STEM Activities
Hello...! As the New Year approaches, doing new year STEM activities in the classroom seems like a great idea. In this article, we have collected activity ideas that you can do with your friends and students. Enjoyable reading.

Table of Contents

    Picobricks is a Rasberry Pi-powered robotic kit manufacturer. That's why our project ideas are STEM compatible ideas that can be done entirely with PicoBricks. Please feel free to ask questions. We'd like to help you.

    First of all, we wish you a happy new year. For you robotics enthusiasts, here are many experiments and projects that can be done in the new year. Let's start.

    Build Your Own New Year Bingo

    Bingo (tombalaa) is a game played especially in Italy and the Middle East. You can play it as a group with your family and loved ones on New Year's.

    It is played with at least two people. In a bag, there are small stamps with numbers from 1 to 99, and each player has cards with 12 different numbers.

    One person draws random numbers from a bag. If a player has that number on his card, he shouts bingo and covers the number on his card with a checker. The first player to match all the numbers on the card wins.

    Let's learn how to do this beautiful activity with Picobricks.

    Learn How to do Bingo Random Number Generator

    Make Own Tabu Game

    We all know Taboo. It is played with at least 4 people and there are 2 different groups.

    One person from each group tries to explain the word written on the card in their hand to their teammates without using prohibited words.

    The group that manages to explain the most words in one minute wins the game.

    Let's learn how to do it step by step.

    Step 1: Upload Necessary Code

    You must install the codes we will give you below on your Picobricks. We have written on MicroPhyton codes for you.

    Don't worry if you don't know how to upload the code to Picobrick. You can click the button below to find out.

    How to Use Picobricks

    Project Diagram

    MicroPhyton Code

    import time
    from time import sleep
    from machine import Pin
    from machine import I2C
    from picobricks import SSD1306_I2C
    from machine import PWM
    from math import fabs
    import utime
    import random
    i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=200000)
    oled = SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, addr=0x3c)
    buzzer = PWM(Pin(20))
    pin_button = machine.Pin(10, machine.Pin.IN)
    pin_led = machine.Pin(7, machine.Pin.OUT)
    pot = machine.ADC(26)
    def getting_card():
        global random_number
        if (pin_button.value()) == 1:
            if random_number not in not_repeat:
                random_number = random.randint(0, len(words)-1)
                for i in range(0,60,10):
                random_number = random.randint(0, len(words)-1)
                if len(not_repeat) == len(words):
                    print("All words used.")
    not_repeat = []
    pot_read = 0
    random_number = 0
    elapsed_time = 0
    start_time = utime.ticks_ms() / 1000
    score = 0
    words = [
        ["Car", "------------", "driver", "ride", "transport", "fast", "travel"],
        ["Duck", "------------", "bird", "yellow", "chicken", "quack", "food"],
        ["Dragonfly", "------------", "Red", "Wings", "Insect", "Fly", "dragon"],
        ["Snowflake", "------------", "cold", "winter", "flower", "snow", "fall"],
        ["Hungry", "------------", "feeling", "eat", "food", "breakfast", "meal"],
        ["Pillow", "------------", "head", "sleep", "soft", "bed", "blanket"],
        ["Dance", "------------", "Shoes", "Romantic", "Music", "Sing", "Town Square"],
        ["Proud", "------------", "feeling", "Accomplish", "Great", "Boast", "Humble"],
        ["Blanket", "------------", "Warm", "Bed", "Pillow", "Soft", "Cold"],
        ["Snail", "------------", "Round", "Slow", "River", "Eat", "Animal"],
        ["Shanghai", "------------", "Modern", "Big", "China", "Expo", "Famous"],
        ["Soccer", "------------", "Ball", "World Cup", "Black", "Sport", "Team"],
        ["Cheese", "------------", "Yellow", "White", "Pizza", "Food", "Italy"],
        ["Dinosaur", "------------", "Big", "Animal", "Extinct", "Long Ago", "Reptile"],
        ["Japan", "------------", "Country", "Asia", "Cherry Blossom", "Sushi", "Tokyo"],
        ["New York", "------------", "City", "America", "Big Apple", "Statue of Liberty"],
        ["Husband", "------------", "Wife", "Ring", "Marry", "Man", "Friend"],
        ["Giraffe", "------------", "Tall", "Africa", "Neck", "Long", "Yellow"],
        ["Michael Jackson", "------------", "Dance", "Thriller", "Strange", "Famous", "Singer"],
        ["Underwear", "------------", "Small", "Clothing", "Every Day", "Secret", "Under"],
        ["Girlfriend", "------------", "Boyfriend", "Beautiful", "Flowers", "Date", "Female"],
        ["Wok", "------------", "Cook", "China", "Iron", "Dishes", "Pot"],
        ["Camera", "------------", "Photos", "Pictures", "Snapshot", "Travel", "Memories"],
        ["Slippers", "------------", "Warm", "Feet", "Winter", "House", "Soft"],
        ["Comb", "------------", "Brush", "Hair", "Smooth", "Small", "Beautiful"],
        ["Glasses", "------------", "Eyes", "See", "Contacts", "Wear", "Face"],
        ["Hamburger", "------------", "America", "Beef", "Bread", "McDonald's", "Unhealthy"],
        ["Polar Bear", "------------", "Cold", "Winter", "Alaska", "White", "Snow"],
        ["Penguin", "------------", "Bird", "Fly", "Animal", "Black", "White"],
        ["Popcorn", "------------", "Kernel", "Butter", "Sweet", "Microwave", "Snack Food"],
        ["Speech", "------------", "Give", "Speak", "Important", "Audience", "Nervous"],
        ["Furious", "------------", "Angry", "Red Face", "Hurt", "Rage", "Violent"],
        ["Jealousy", "------------", "Envy", "Emotion", "Compare", "Green", "Achieve"],
        ["Bench", "------------", "Sit", "Wooden", "Chair", "Long", "Park"],
        ["Chicken Leg", "------------", "Bird", "Body", "Eat", "Food", "KFC"],
        ["Toilet", "------------", "Washroom", "WC", "Pee", "Poop", "Bathroom"],
        ["Wish", "------------", "Want", "Desire", "Hope", "Dream", "Long For"],
        ["Exercise", "------------", "Run", "Sports", "Healthy", "Daily", "Morning"],
        ["Crown", "------------", "Head", "Gold", "King", "Queen", "Jewels"],
        ["Princess", "------------", "Prince", "Queen", "Daughter", "Royal", "Castle"],
        ["Internet", "------------", "Computer", "Web", "Surf", "Net", "Technology"],
        ["Ice Cream", "------------", "Cold", "Summer", "Sweet", "Snack", "Cone"],
        ["Jacket", "------------", "Coat", "Warm", "Clothes", "Sleeves", "Zipper"],
        ["Shower", "------------", "Rain", "Clean", "Water", "Every Day", "Bath"],
        ["Wind", "------------", "Blow", "Autumn", "Invisible", "Trees", "Kite"],
        ["Foreigner", "------------", "Teacher", "Different", "Outside", "Country", "Travel"],
        ["Church", "------------", "Sing", "Building", "Cross", "God", "Speaker"],
        ["Police", "------------", "Uniform", "Safety", "Peace", "Protect", "Siren"],
        ["Boots", "------------", "Winter", "Shoes", "Warm", "Fashion", "Snow"],
        ["Soy Sauce", "------------", "Chinese", "Liquid", "Brown", "Cooking", "Salty"],
        ["Plane Ticket", "------------", "Expensive", "Flight", "Travel", "Paper", "Seat"],
        ["Turkey", "------------", "Bird", "Holiday", "Thanksgiving", "Big", "Tired"],
        ["Freezer", "------------", "Cold", "Refrigerator", "Ice", "Food", "Kitchen"],
        ["Yoga Teacher", "------------", "Exercise", "Instructor", "Master", "Chinese", "Help"],
        ["Straw", "------------", "Hollow", "Horses", "Farm", "Drink", "Suck"],
        ["Leaf", "------------", "Tree", "Green", "Fall", "Plant", "Page"],
        ["Noun", "------------", "Verb", "Speech", "Adjective", "Person", "Place"],
        ["Broom", "------------", "Sweep", "Floor", "Witch", "Wooden", "Dust"],
        ["Carry", "------------", "Hold", "Pick Up", "Move", "Transport", "Support"],
        ["Taxi", "------------", "Car", "Public", "Transport", "Fare", "City"],
        ["Blossom", "------------", "Flower", "Young", "Bud", "Spring", "Bloom"],
        ["Witch", "------------", "Broom", "Green", "Magic", "Halloween", "Powers"],
        ["Fork", "------------", "Spoon", "Knife", "Eat", "Prongs", "Divide"],
        ["Parade", "------------", "Line", "Crowd", "Floats", "Gather", "Holiday"],
        ["Fashion", "------------", "Clothes", "Model", "Girls", "Look", "Magazine"],
        ["Trash Can", "------------", "Rubbish", "Barrel", "Worthless", "Ruin", "Old"],
        ["Wedding Dress", "------------", "White", "married", "Clothes", "SPECIAL", "Girls"],
        ["Kung Fu Panda", "------------", "Movie", "China", "Noodles", "Children", "famous"],
        ["Marker", "------------", "Write", "Draw", "Colors", "Children", "Art"],
        ["Snowman", "------------", "Three", "Children", "Make", "Winter", "Outside"],
        ["Wings", "------------", "Bird", "Chicken", "Fly", "Arms", "Feathers"],
        ["Pilot", "------------", "Fly", "Plane", "Helicopter", "Man", "Travel"],
        ["Lawyer", "------------", "Argue", "Defend", "Law", "Client", "Crime"],
        ["Alligator", "------------", "Crocodile", "Green", "Animal", "Teeth", "Florida"],
        ["Hair Salon", "------------", "Style", "Dye", "Wash", "Cut", "Barber"],
        ["Picture Frame", "------------", "Photo", "Memory", "Wood", "Glass", "Home"],
        ["Purse", "------------", "Leather", "Bag", "Money", "Woman", "Carry"],
        ["Orange", "------------", "Color", "Fruit", "Juicy", "Citrus", "Red"],
        ["Makeup", "------------", "Face", "Mascara", "Lipstick", "Girls", "Beautiful"],
        ["Tutor", "------------", "Teach", "One on One", "Learn", "Make Up", "Review"],
        ["Worry", "------------", "Nervous", "Anxiety", "Stress", "Scared", "Trouble"],
        ["Test", "------------", "Difficulty", "Pressure", "Scared", "Moose", "Animal"],
        ["Mammal", "------------", "Forest", "Antlers", "Hunting", "Shampoo", "Conditioner"],
        ["Lather", "------------", "Wash", "Hair", "Shower", "Bridge", "Cross"],
        ["River", "------------", "Build", "Over", "Connect", "Camel", "Humps"],
        ["Desert", "------------", "Animal", "Water", "Cigarette", "Watch", "Look"],
        ["Stare", "------------", "Wrist", "Time", "Jewelry", "Brush", "Comb"],
        ["Hair", "------------", "Bristles", "Wooden", "Stroke", "License", "Driver"],
        ["Car", "------------", "Card", "Permit", "Allow", "Shout", "Yell"],
        ["Loud", "------------", "Speak", "Angry", "Danger", "Librarian", "Books"],
        ["Library", "------------", "School", "Job", "Quiet", "Liberty", "Freedom"],
        ["Statue", "------------", "Power", "Choose", "Decide", "Radio", "Listen"],
        ["Music", "------------", "AM", "FM", "News", "Unlock", "Key"],
        ["Door", "------------", "Box", "Safe", "Hole", "Pear", "Apple"],
        ["Fruit", "------------", "Shape", "Tree", "Juice", "Jumping", "Leap"],
        ["Up", "------------", "Down", "Excited", "Action", "Glove", "Hand"],
        ["Cold", "------------", "Winter", "Disposable", "Mitten", "Midterm", "Test"],
        ["Exam", "------------", "Half", "Final", "School", "Tornado", "Storm"],
        ["Dorothy", "------------", "Swirl", "Wind", "Blow", "Wheelchair", "Cripple"],
        ["Handicapped", "------------", "Legs", "Old", "Elderly", "Monster", "Scary"],
        ["Green", "------------", "Alien", "Zombie", "Create", "Melt", "Soft"],
        ["Warm", "------------", "Ice", "Heat", "Liquid", "Mature", "Old"],
        ["Wise", "------------", "Develop", "Grown", "Advance", "Daisy", "White"],
        ["Yellow", "------------", "Flower", "Duck", "Field", "Custom", "Culture"],
        ["Way", "------------", "Tradition", "Behave", "Society", "Politics", "Law"],
        ["President", "------------", "Leaders", "Country", "Citizen", "Curtain", "Red"],
        ["Window", "------------", "Light", "Cloth", "Play", "Cruel", "Mean"],
        ["Angry", "------------", "Unkind", "Pain", "Suffering", "Milk", "White"],
        ["Liquid", "------------", "Drink", "Bones", "Cow", "Guitar", "Instrument"],
        ["Play", "------------", "Strings", "Strum", "Music", "Chalk", "White"],
        ["Dust", "------------", "Teach", "Blackboard", "Erase", "Bottle", "Feed"],
        ["Baby", "------------", "Glass", "Juice", "Water", "Table", "Eat"],
        ["Chairs", "------------", "Legs", "Study", "Wooden", "Famous", "Popular"],
        ["Known", "------------", "Important", "Recognize", "Position", "Distance", "Length"],
        ["Mile", "------------", "Meter", "Space", "Far Away", "Elderly", "Old"],
        ["Nurse", "------------", "Aged", "Adult", "Health", "Fish", "Swim"],
        ["Gills", "------------", "River", "Eat", "Catch", "New York", "Statue"],
        ["Apple", "------------", "City", "America", "Busy", "Train", "Ride"],
        ["Travel", "------------", "Cheap", "Railroad", "Choo-Choo", "Needle", "Haystack"],
        ["Sharp", "------------", "Small", "Metal", "Sew", "Joy", "Happy"],
        ["Cardriver", "------------", "driver", "ride", "transport", "travel"],
        ["Dragonfly", "------------", "Red", "Wings", "Insect", "bug"],
        ["Snowflake", "------------", "cold", "winter", "flower", "snow", "fall"],
        ["Hungry", "------------", "feeling", "eat", "food", "breakfast", "meal"],
        ["Pillow", "------------", "head", "sleep", "soft", "bed", "blanket"],
        ["Dance", "------------", "Shoes", "Romantic", "Music", "Sing", "Town Square"],
        ["Proud", "------------", "feeling", "Accomplish", "Great", "Boast", "Humble"],
        ["Debate", "------------", "Discuss", "Sides", "Talk", "Oppose", "Win"],
        ["Eraser", "------------", "Clean", "Pencil", "Fix", "Mistake", "Change"],
        ["Prisoner", "------------", "Jail", "Convict", "Murder", "Crime", "Bad"],
        ["Deer", "------------", "Antlers", "Hunting", "Forest", "Bambi", "Animal"],
        ["Bank", "------------", "Robbery", "Money", "Safe", "Deposit", "Invest"],
        ["Promise", "------------", "Vow", "Pledge", "Expect", "Reassure", "Marry"],
        ["Caterpillar", "------------", "Crawl", "Insect", "Legs", "Tree", "Butterfly"],
        ["Pregnant", "------------", "Baby", "Fat", "Belly", "Life", "9 Months"],
        ["Towel", "------------", "Dry", "Dishes", "Shower", "Soft", "Beach"],
        ["Ugly", "------------", "Duck", "Beautiful", "Hideous", "Deformed", "Butt"],
        ["Spoon", "------------", "Fork", "Knife", "Eating", "Soup", "metal"],
        ["Infant", "------------", "Baby", "Cry", "Child", "Newborn", "Young"],
        ["London", "------------", "Big Ben", "England", "Europe", "Capital", "U.K."],
        ["Paris, France", "------------", "Romance", "Shopping", "Eiffel", "Tower", "French"],
        ["Gold", "------------", "Silver", "Metal", "Rich", "Money", "King"],
        ["Camping", "------------", "Tent", "Outside", "Fire", "Roast", "Sleep"],
        ["Theater", "------------", "Movie", "Seats", "Popcorn", "Cinema", "Drama"],
        ["Death", "------------", "Die", "Old", "Murder", "Cause", "Life"],
        ["Flag", "------------", "Wave", "Fly", "Old Glory", "Pole", "Fabric"],
        ["Knee", "------------", "Bend", "Joint", "Leg", "Move", "Cap"],
        ["Describe", "------------", "Talk About", "Words", "Characteristic", "Quality", "Depict"],
        ["Nan She Shan", "------------", "Mountain", "Yizhou", "Climb", "Snake", "South"],
        ["Fly", "------------", "Wings", "Bird", "Airplane", "Insect", "Bee"],
        ["Web", "------------", "Internet", "Spider", "World", "Wide", "Net"],
        ["Toothbrush", "------------", "Teeth", "Paste", "Clean", "Hygiene", "Rub"],
        ["Worm", "------------", "Crawl", "Animal", "Wriggle", "Slimy", "Rain"],
        ["Machine", "------------", "Parts", "Device", "Metal", "Power", "Cog"],
        ["Biology", "------------", "Science", "Subject", "Life", "School", "Chemistry"],
        ["Spiderman", "------------", "Fly", "Peter", "Parker", "Hero", "Super"],
        ["Waitress", "------------", "Service", "Restaurant", "Food", "Bring", "Helper"],
        ["Wash", "------------", "Clean", "Shower", "Dishes", "Hair", "Laundry"],
        ["Physics", "------------", "Chemicals", "School", "Science", "Subject", "History"],
        ["Politics", "------------", "Past", "Events", "Finished", "Happen", "Magazine"],
        ["Unfair", "------------", "Unjust", "Fair", "Equal", "Just", "Unreasonable"],
        ["Blanket", "------------", "Bed", "Pillow", "Quilt", "Soft", "Warm"],
        ["CD", "------------", "Disc", "Music", "Listen", "Play", "Computer"],
        ["Immediately", "------------", "Fast", "Now", "Delay", "Rapid", "Soon"],
        ["Danger", "------------", "Safe", "Harm", "Injury", "Protect", "Avoid"],
        ["Ice", "------------", "Cold", "Solid", "Water", "Freezer", "Skate"],
        ["Salt", "------------", "White", "Sweet", "Popcorn", "Cooking", "Flavor"],
        ["Stand", "------------", "Sit", "Floor", "Feet", "Up", "Take"],
        ["Bull", "------------", "Ride", "Red", "Male", "Horns", "Charge"],
        ["Magic", "------------", "Wizard", "Witch", "Power", "Trick", "Show"],
        ["Peaceful", "------------", "Harmony", "Calm", "Quiet", "Tranquil", "Violent"],
        ["Normal", "------------", "Strange", "Standard", "Typical", "Status Quo", "Weird"],
        ["Original", "------------", "First", "Unique", "Special", "Standard", "Early"],
        ["Naughty", "------------", "Bad", "Behavior", "Good", "Rude", "Disobedient"],
        ["Rescue", "------------", "Save", "Hero", "Danger", "Safe", "Help"],
        ["Match", "------------", "Fire", "Strike", "Pair", "Together", "Equal"],
        ["Hippo", "------------", "Fat", "Animal", "Africa", "Large", "River"],
        ["Cookbook", "------------", "Food", "How To", "Kitchen", "Manual", "Guide"],
        ["Fairy Tale", "------------", "Prince", "Princess", "Magic", "Queen", "Story"],
        ["Literature", "------------", "Works", "American", "British", "Books", "Written"],
        ["Globe", "------------", "Earth", "World", "Model", "Geography", "Oceans"],
        ["Continent", "Ocean", "Asia", "Land", "Seven", "Earth"],
        ["Director", "Movie", "Producer", "In Charge", "Supervise", "Set"],
        ["Advice", "Guide", "Wise", "Recommend", "What to do", "Help"]]
    while True:
        while (pin_button.value()) == 0:
            oled.text("TABOO", 20,25)
        while (elapsed_time < 10.1 ):
            current_time = utime.ticks_ms() / 1000
            elapsed_time = current_time - start_time
            oled.text(str(int(elapsed_time)), 100,50)
            if (pin_button.value()) == 1:
                score +=1
        oled.text("Time is out", 0,40)
        oled.text("Card number", 0,50)
        oled.text(str(score), 90,50)
        start_time = utime.ticks_ms() / 1000
        elapsed_time = 0  
        score= 0

    And that's it. We have presented two very fun Happy Ney Year STEM activities for you and elementary students in this article. I hope you enjoy and learn. Happy New Year.

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