SolarX: DIY STEM Solar Powered Robot

SolarX: DIY STEM Solar Powered Robot

Subtotal: $50.00

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Solar Energy... The renewable energy source of the future. Many parents and teachers who want to combine this infinite energy source with STEM education for children are well aware of this. 

With this in mind, we developed the SolarX DIY STEM Powered Robot Toy, which enhances children's robotics coding and DIY skills. With this toy, you can charge your phone batteries with eco friendly energy while improving your robotic skills.

Our Solar Robot Kit, which is powered by Arduino, comes in a disassembled form. This allows children to develop their hand and motor skills while building own robots.

Along with the kit, we offer you a training e-book for free. This book guides you step by step through the robot building process.

SolarX Robot Build and Learn

The importance of STEM education is increasing every day. STEM briefly encompasses the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This interdisciplinary education model encourages students to develop analytical thinking, problem-solving, and innovative approaches in these areas. STEM emphasizes the integration of these four disciplines to solve real-world problems.

Moreover, the need for knowledgeable people in the construction and coding stages of robots that surround us is increasing.


Robots Building Education

Those who want to be part of the changing world can program their SolarXs as they wish, thanks to Arduino, an open source electronic prototyping platform based on a programmable microcontroller, which powers SolarX. 

If you don't have robotics coding knowledge, don't worry. Even if you don't have coding knowledge, you can program your product as you wish with block based coding through applications like ArduinoIDE.



In addition, our product comes out of the box with the necessary programming done. When you build your own solar robot DIY, you will have a robot with the following features:

  1. It can charge itself with solar energy.
  2. With its USB Type A output, it can safely charge all electronic devices with batteries.
  3. With two Servo Motors and an LDR module, it detects the position of the Light Source itself and turns towards the light source.
  4. Its wooden body makes it eco-friendly and recyclable. Moreover, your child can paint it as they wish.
  5. Our product is also a DIY Solar Powerbank. The batteries on it can be recharged and can charge your batteries in environments without light.

Modules of Our Creation Kit:

  • Wooden Body Parts
  • 2x Servo Motor
  • Arduino Nano
  • LDR Sensor
  • Solar Panel
  • Battery


Want More?

Do you want to further develop your solar robot?

For example, adding wheels to give it movement and thus discovery solar vehicles?

How would it be to control your vehicle with voice?

Exciting, isn't it?

Then we suggest you also check out our other parts and components.

Now is the time to bring out the engineer in you!

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