4- Children's Engineering Kits
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IoT Uzmanı Olun: PicoBricks IoT Kiti
En İyi IoT Proje Kiti iot uzmanı olmak ve iot Dünyasına meraklı kişiler için geliştirdiğimiz bir üründür. Lehimleme yapmanıza veya kablolarla uğraşmanıza gerek kalmadan birbirine bağladığımız 11 farklı robotik modülü ve 17 farklı eklentiyi bu kitte sunuyoruz. Bu eklentiler akıllı sera projesi gibi IoT projeleri geliştirmenize olanak sağlar....- $104.99
$120.00- $104.99
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Base Kit: Robotik Kodlama Başlangıç Seti
Robotik projeler ve modüller hakkında meraklı olan veya temel bilgiye sahip olanların proje geliştirmeye başlayabilmesi için geliştirdiğimiz PicoBricks Base Kit'te Raspberry Pi Pico'nun bağlı olduğu Anakart ile lehimleme gerektirmeden birbirlerine bağlı 11 farklı modül ve 9 farklı eklenti sunuyoruz. Bu eklentiler başlangıç seviyesinde projeler...- $63.99
$89.99- $63.99
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Zero to Hero Kit: Hepsi Bir Arada Robotik Kodlama Seti
Robotik Kodlamayı öğrenmek isteyenler için bu güne kadar geliştirdiğimiz en kapsamlı kiti sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz. Bu kitte yok yok. Onlarca modül ve eklentinin bulunduğu bu seti çok beğeneceksiniz. Kit, 18 robotik modül, bir robot kolu, bir akıllı sera kiti ve bir adet ses kontrollü araç...- $114.99
$129.00- $114.99
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Satıcı:PicobricksEvet, doğru okudunuz... Bu dönme dolap, çocuklara uygun bir kodlama oyuncağıdır. STEM faaliyetleri çocukların kendilerini geliştirebilecekleri yer kodlama ve robotik becerileri. Üstelik ahşap yapısı sayesinde geri dönüştürülebiliyor ve çocuklar istedikleri renklere boyayabiliyor. Sonrasında kendi dönme dolabını inşa etmek, gerekli kodları BricksIDE'ye yükleyin veya kendi...
- $40.00
- $40.00
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SafeBox Kilitli Kasa STEM Kiti ile Robotik Kodlama
PicoBricks SafeBox Projesi: Tarihin Derinliklerinden STEM Eğitimine, Şifreleme Sanatı Bir zamanlar yalnızca hükümetler, bilim insanları ve askeri kurumlar tarafından kullanılan şifreleme artık neredeyse herkesin günlük yaşamının bir parçası. PicoBricks Eğitimcinin Güvenlik Kutusu, bu benzersiz ve büyüleyici sanatı öğrencilere, meraklılara ve eğitimcilere modern teknolojiyle birleştirerek...- $40.00
- $40.00
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Robot Teknolojisine Giriş: PicoBricks Geliştirme Kartı
Robotik kodlamaya giriş yapmayı düşünenler için PicoBricks Main Board doğru başlangıç noktasıdır . Programlanabilir mini bilgisayar Raspberry Pi Pico W'ya sahip olanlar için geliştirilen bu Raspberry Pi Pico W Kiti , robotik projelerde kullanılan 11 yerleşik modülü içerir. Bu, temel modüllerin kullanımını hızlı bir şekilde kavramanızı sağlar. Üstelik bu 11 bileşeni...- $34.99
$40.00- $34.99
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Engineering Kits for All Ages
Engineering is one of the most interesting fields for both kids and adults. We have prepared various toys and kits for anyone looking for engineering kits to awaken or keep alive the maker spirit within. These are not just simple toys; they are children's engineering toys that inspire and educate.
Each kit comes with a programmable interface powered by Raspberry Pi or Micro:Bit, making them perfect engineering gifts for kids. Whether it's an electrical engineering kit for kids or a project for budding young engineers, our collection is diverse and educational.
Thanks to the BricksIDE platform, these kits can be coded and programmed with block coding, transforming them into perfect toys for young engineers. This hands-on experience is crucial for developing the skills required in the world of modern engineering.
For Which Age Groups Are The Kits Suitable?
They are suitable for all age groups, except children under 3 years old. To explain in more detail:
Engineering Kits for Teenagers
Teenagers, adolescents, and students in high school would best appreciate the PicoBricks IoT kit. This kit allows teens to delve into the world of IoT and enables them to create their own smart greenhouses, making it a prime example of an electrical engineering kit for kids.
It contains dozens of different components, offering a real-world glimpse into the tools used in the engineering industry.
Engineering Kits for Kids
Kids are naturally very curious. The engineering sciences stimulate this curiosity in children because an engineer can build smart cars, homes, and smart greenhouses. These kits serve as engineering gifts for kids, sparking their imagination and interest in science and technology.
All our kits, especially the PicoBricks Base Kit, are developed to support this curiosity in children. They stand out as exceptional children's engineering toys.
Are your products suitable for children aged 12 and 10?
Of course. We have superb products for a 12 year old young adult, although they are not recommended for children under 3 due to small parts. These kits are perfect as toys for young engineers, helping them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills at an early age.
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What types of engineering kits are available?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "We offer a wide range of engineering kits for both kids and adults, including children's engineering toys, toys for young engineers, and electrical engineering kits for kids. These kits are designed to inspire and educate, making them perfect engineering gifts for kids." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are these kits suitable for all age groups?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Our engineering kits are suitable for all age groups, except children under 3 years old due to small parts. They are designed to cater to the curiosity and educational needs of kids, teenagers, and even adults interested in engineering." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What makes the PicoBricks Base Kit special for kids?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The PicoBricks Base Kit is developed to support the curiosity in children, making it one of the best engineering kits for kids. It allows children to build smart cars, homes, and greenhouses, thus sparking their imagination and interest in science and technology." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Are the engineering kits suitable for teenagers and high school students?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, teenagers and high school students would best appreciate kits like the PicoBricks IoT kit. This kit introduces them to the world of IoT and allows them to create projects like smart greenhouses, providing a practical and engaging introduction to engineering." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Can 12-year-old children use these engineering kits?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Absolutely. Our products are suitable for 12-year-old young adults. They offer an engaging and educational experience, helping them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. However, they are not recommended for children under 3 due to small parts." } } ] }