
Getting started with PicoBricks for micro:bit PicoBricks, is a creative and easy-to-use electronic development board designed to create micro:bit projects. When used with the PicoBricks board consisting of 12 detachable bricks, you have a comprehensive environment for project development by using micro:bit sensors. Additionally, you can connect different sensors to the pin...
BerryBot is a robotics programming kit aimed at developing children's skills in robotics infrastructure, basic programming, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving, and more. Thanks to the main board included in the kit, motor connections that allow the robot to move physically can be made quickly. With its easy-to-assemble wooden body, the mechanical and electronic...
How about a creative project that brings music and technology together? With the Air Piano project we developed using PicoBricks and the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, you can control music with your hands. In this project, as you move your hand closer to or farther from the sensor, the sounds produced by PicoBricks...
Today, we’ll show you how to turn an ordinary accessory into something dazzling and eye-catching! With our light up bow tie project, you’ll achieve a stylish look while enjoying the integration of technology into your daily life. This fun and creative project will help you stand out not just on special occasions, but...
We are people who work intensely or go to school every day. We can sometimes forget to water our beloved orchids on time.  That's why I decided to develop this project. In this project, I will show you step by step how to make our IoT supported, smart plant pot using the Raspberry Pi kit PicoBricks....
Selamlar hayvan severler, bugün Raspberry Pi kiti PicoBricks kullanarak otomatik bir evcil hayvan besleyici yapacağız. Gerekli 3D baskı dosyalarını ve Python kodlarını yazının içerisinde paylaştık. O zaman başlayalım.
Ever found yourself needing to keep your computer awake but didn't want to resort to the same old software solutions? Well, dear reader, let me take you on a journey through the creation of a hardware-based, homemade mouse jiggler using the versatile Picobricks kit. It's a tale of ingenuity, fun, and a...

Hareketli Kuyruk Projesi

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Bu projede bir servo motor, kuyruğa benzeyen bir hareket yaratmak için sihrini kullanıyor. Bu ilgi çekici hareketi istediğiniz herhangi bir hayvan heykelciğine eklemekte özgürsünüz; Biz bir fare kullandık ama olasılıklar sonsuz!

How to Posts

Incorporate STEM into Classrooms with Examples

Incorporate STEM into Classrooms with Examples

Table of Contents I have previously mentioned that our team includes many STEM experts and engineers. I will try to explain step...
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Evde Robotik En Kolay Nasıl Öğrenilir?

Son yılların popüler konusu robotik... Etrafımızdaki robot sayısı arttıkça özellikle ebeveynler çocuklarına robotik kodlamayı öğretmek için yollar arıyor. Bu nedenle herkesin aklında,...

Arduino ile PicoBricks Nasıl Kullanılır?

Arduino Programlama Dili Picobricks bize Arduino C ile kodlama imkanı sunuyor. Picobricks'in kalbinde yer alan Raspberry Pi Pico'yu yaygın olarak kullanılan Arduino...